7.2. Olive Production 2

In this question, you will analyze data extracted for the amounts of produced olives year by year in Turkey.

You can fetch this data from the following link:


Here are the instructions for analyzing this data:

  • Read this data by using \(\color{purple}{\texttt{pandas}}\) module.

  • Get the years, in a \(\color{purple}{\texttt{numpy}}\) array with dtype as int from the field named Year

  • Get the amount of produced olives, in a \(\color{purple}{\texttt{numpy}}\) array with dtype as int from the field named Olive

  • Create a filter array depending on the values being over or under the average of the productions in years.

    • This filter array is automatically created when you make a comparison between the array itself and the average value. It includes Boolean values as much as the length of the original array, True for the values that are greater than the average and False for otherwise.

  • Get the production amounts that are over the average and their years by using the filter array you created. (Hint: Use indexing [ ])

  • Plot the figure for the years vs. the amount of produced olives by using \(\color{purple}{\texttt{matplotlib.pyplot}}\) for the filtered data and save it in your computer (see \(\color{purple}{\texttt{savefig()}}\) function in the related module.).

Write a python program to complete tasks above.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_data(x, y, title, output_path):
    plt.plot(x, y)

    plt.xticks(range(min(x),max(x)+1), rotation="vertical")   # to increase readability



raw_data = pd.read_csv("olives.csv")
years = np.array(raw_data["Year"], dtype=int)
olives = np.array(raw_data["Olive"], dtype=int)

average = np.average(olives)

filter_array = (olives > average)

filtered_olives = olives[filter_array]
filtered_years = years[filter_array]

plot_data(filtered_years, filtered_olives, "OVER AVERAGE", "over_average.png")