4.1. Broken Watch 2

(Before looking at this question and the rest of this chapter of workbook, you are strongly recommended to take a look into the commonly used methods of built-in containers from the textbook.)

Deniz wanted to check the time, but his watch broke. So he asked Aslı to tell him the time. But Aslı doesn’t always tell the truth, so the time she says may not be valid.

Write a function named is_time_valid to determine whether a given time is correct or not.

Note that the given time is only valid when the given string is between 00.00 and 23.59.

Hint: You need to divide the given string into the hour and minute parts somehow.

Sample I/O:

>>> is_time_valid("23.20")

>>> is_time_valid("22.61")

>>> is_time_valid("ten past eleven")
def is_time_valid(s):
  l = s.split('.')
    return False
  if(l[0]<"00" or l[0]>"23"):
    return False
  if(l[1]<"00" or l[1]>"59"):
    return False
  return True