3.1. Best Food 2

Ben and Leslie are fighting to decide if waffles or calzones are more delicious. After debating over a pros-vs-cons list for hours, they flip a coin to decide.

Write a function named best_food that takes a string. If the string is "HEADS", the function should return "CALZONES" and if the string is "TAILS", the function should return "WAFFLES". If the string is not "HEADS" or "TAILS", it should return "flip again".

Sample I/O:

>>> best_food("HEADS")

>>> best_food("NONE")
'flip again'
def best_food(coin):
    if coin == "HEADS":
        return "CALZONES"
    elif coin == "TAILS":
        return "WAFFLES"
        return "flip again"