5.4. Cheapest Flour 2

Your friend Ozan is a great cook and wants to buy some flour in a market to make some cookies. In this market, all brands of flour is marked with prices P per W kilograms instead of 1 kilogram. He does not want to be overcharged, so you should help him. Can you order all these brands with their prices per kg in decreasing order?

Write a function named cheapest_flour which gets two strings as input and output file names. In the input file, each line stands for a brand and includes two integers, P and W separated by a space where P is the price of the W kilograms of this brand. The function must write the price per kg of each brand in the decreasing order to the output file.

Sample I/O:

Sample function call:
    cheapest_flour("input.txt", "output.txt")

Content of the file "input.txt":
    12 3
    25 2
    15 6
    23 8
    11 2

Content of the file "output.txt" after function call:

In this solution, you will see an example of with structure in file handling.

with open(...) as f:

is equivalent to

f = open(...)

with structure closes the file automatically when the code block in its scope is terminated for any reason.

def cheapest_flour(input_path, output_path):

    prices_per_kg = []

    with open(input_path, 'r') as input_file:     # opening the file in read mode
        for line in input_file.readlines():
            brand = list(map(int,list(line.split())))   # getting integer values in a line.
            price = brand[0]
            weight = brand[1]

    prices_per_kg.sort(reverse=True)        # sorting in decreasing order

    with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file:     # opening the file in write mode
        for brand in prices_per_kg:
            output_file.write(str(brand)+"\n") # print values into the file with newlines